Regrid Blog

Bulk Data for Municipalities, Historic Districts & the Humane Society!

Written by Sahana Murthy | Aug 1, 2019 4:00:00 AM

The Loveland team is back to checkin with our amazing & loyal family of friends, customers & partners.

So what happened this July - Heat waves everywhere, including a record high temperature of 101 degree F in London. Unheard of!!!

While the world has been sizzling, the Loveland team has been trying to find ways to empower people & communities all over.
Working with local governments, land banks & communities to help fight very real issues -blight & tax foreclosure, property data challenges, land survey challenges etc has been keeping us busy & fulfilled. 

Here’s what we have for you in the August edition:

1. Landgrid Enterprise for Municipalities:

Here’s a call out to our friends in local municipalities around the country. Landgrid Enterprise is built to help solve your property data & inventory challenges.  

Solving real problems across communities is what we do best. We recently spoke to a few communities and found that there is a lot of value in the Landgrid Enterprise platform for MUNICIPALITIES.

How can we help you, you ask???

Most municipal government employees find themselves with lots of work to do, but limited hours in the day. That’s the core problem that Landgrid sets out to help you solve - using our maps and data tools, you and your staff can work more efficiently, use data to make better decisions, and look good as your productivity improves!

Services we offer:

  • Consulting to streamline your existing workflow and save you time
  • Data cleaning and importing
  • Survey app to easily collect data and document results when out in the field
  • Powerful mapping tools to help you see and understand your data
  • Easy importing and exporting means your data’s never ‘stuck’
  • Expertise regarding tax delinquency and blight strategies

Does any of this resonate with you???


2. Landgrid Enterprise for Historic Districts:

Our quest for helping local governments recently had us stumbling upon the incredible historic district communities across the country and their need for an updated inventory of properties to retain their historic status. 

Did you know that every State has a Historic Preservation Office as a result of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966???

Many States have local historic districts that are tasked with documenting, enforcing, advising, and providing outreach when it comes to historic preservation of both individual structures and entire historic neighborhoods. In the state of Michigan, there is a requirement of “Maintaining a system for the survey and inventory of historic resources”.

Landgrid can help here. With our built in survey editor, our survey expertise & our easy to use Loveland survey phone app, local governments in all historic districts can easily inventory property data in a matter of a week. All you need is to be set up with our platform and may be some happy volunteers from your town.

Surveying expertise runs through the Landgrid team. It’s time to tap into it!

If you or anyone you love is a municipality or a historic district, just holler at and we will have you set up in no time.

3. Landgrid Webcasts - Fighting Blight with Jerry Paffendorf!

This July, we kickstarted our educational & awareness series of webcasts meant to bring awareness to core problems that we work on and to also provide helpful, tutorial content for our users.

This week, we launched these webcasts with an amazing discussion on Blight in Detroit with none other than our CEO - Jerry Paffendorf, who has been at the forefront of this fight in Detroit for close to a decade now. In case you missed it, here's also a link to the video -

This video is a 101 Primer on all things Blight!
The sheer depth of knowledge goes to show how much time Loveland founders have invested in trying to help with this core issue here in Detroit.
Solving real problems across communities in America is at the core of Loveland's value & mission and we are so proud of how far we have come from our humble beginnings!

Stay tuned with our social media posts and content (social media links are embedded in the footer of this email). There will be many more of these helpful webinars & webcasts coming from our team.

And ...Finally……

4. Customer Spotlight - Michigan Humane Society
If you have been following our newsletters these past few months, you know that we always end our email updates with a spotlight on our customer.

We love our customers and want to celebrate them. We recently worked with the Michigan Humane Society, who do such good work on a daily basis, selflessly with a smile on their face.

Meet, Becki Kenderes who recently used the Loveland Next App for their outreach program to ensure animals are kept in their homes and well taken for and not relegated to shelters. 
This is what Becki had to say about her experience with Loveland:

"To keep animals in their homes and out of shelters, the Michigan Humane Society recently launched an outreach program in the neighborhoods surrounding our Detroit shelter. Through this program, we provide free food, supplies and other resources to pet owners in need. We’ve created a custom survey using the Loveland Next app that helps us effortlessly track critical information like which homes we’ve attempted to visit, where pets live and which areas we don’t need to revisit (such as vacant lots and vacant properties)."

Becki, you give us too much credit. You & your team are the real heroes here. And of course, let's not forget the animals (true heroes, who make our lives better & happier).

That wraps up updates from July for this edition.
We will see you back in a month’s time with hopefully even better, more exciting updates.
That’s the goal. To keep getting better with time - like fine wine! 


Sahana Murthy

General Manager