Category:Books about Henry George
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Media in category "Books about Henry George"
The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.
"Life of Henry George" by Henry George Jr. (1900).pdf 925 × 1,410, 680 pages; 49.86 MB
Addresses at the funeral of Henry George, Sunday, October 31, 1897 (IA addressesatfuner01yard).pdf 683 × 1,177, 72 pages; 2.29 MB
The case plainly stated (IA caseplainlystate00ring).pdf 870 × 1,420, 34 pages; 1.68 MB
Books from the Library of Congress (IA correspondencebe00love).pdf 843 × 1,295, 22 pages; 993 KB
The life of Henry George (IA cu31924013844885).pdf 716 × 1,152, 666 pages; 14.03 MB
Property and progress; or, A brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England (IA cu31924024924254).pdf 695 × 1,008, 270 pages; 4.55 MB
The life of Henry George (IA cu31924030401164).pdf 602 × 1,045, 678 pages; 15.6 MB
Trade organizations in politics; also, Progress and robbery, an answer to Henry George (IA cu31924032468385).pdf 718 × 1,262, 238 pages; 4.98 MB
The economics of Henry George's "Progress and poverty" .. (IA economicsofhenry00john).pdf 868 × 1,341, 28 pages; 1.46 MB
The economics of Henry George's "Progress and poverty" .. (IA economicsofhenry00johnrich).pdf 1,270 × 1,900, 32 pages; 1.54 MB
Henry George and the economists (IA henrygeorgeecono00fill).pdf 581 × 1,114, 20 pages; 643 KB
Insufficiency of Henry George's theory (IA insufficiencyofh00gron).pdf 885 × 1,308, 26 pages; 1.46 MB
The labor-value fallacy (IA laborvaluefallac00scud).pdf 700 × 1,062, 106 pages; 4.36 MB
The labor-value fallacy (IA laborvaluefallac00scudrich).pdf 700 × 1,037, 106 pages; 5.31 MB
The life of Henry George (IA lifehenrygeorge00geor).pdf 727 × 1,160, 698 pages; 32.09 MB
Notes on "Progress and poverty." A reply to Henry George (IA notesonprogressp00tobi).pdf 718 × 1,179, 58 pages; 3.3 MB
The Pope and the new crusade (IA popenewcrusade00flat).pdf 595 × 833, 52 pages; 1.49 MB
Progress and poverty - a review of the doctrines of Henry George (IA progresspovertyr00dixw).pdf 752 × 1,247, 56 pages; 2.72 MB
Regress and slavery vs. "Progress and poverty." (IA regressslaveryvs00brig).pdf 629 × 1,006, 110 pages; 4 MB
Trade organizations in politics ; also, Progress and robbery - an answer to Henry George (IA tradeorganizatio00millrich).pdf 841 × 1,381, 238 pages; 10.99 MB
California Digital Library (IA truebasisofecono00jord).pdf 747 × 1,231, 148 pages; 5.89 MB
Books from the Library of Congress (IA truebasisofecono01jord).pdf 739 × 1,220, 154 pages; 7.4 MB
Work's dialogue with Henry George (IA worksdialoguewit00sutt).pdf 891 × 1,372, 220 pages; 9.81 MB